Kings will be given priority in the draft position of small forward and point guard, but does not rule out the possibility that they will carry out transactions. 国王队在选秀中将优先考虑小前锋和控卫的位置,不过也不排除他们会进行交易的可能。
To study hybrid genetic algorithm combined with priority rules, shortest time window rule ( STW) is put forward, initial population generation algorithm with STW is designed. 为了研究与优先规则结合的混合遗传算法,提出了最小时间窗规则(STW),设计了采用最小时间窗规则生成初始种群的算法。
We establish the message system for the detailed process, thus the priority rule of the messages. 建立起适应于这种细节性处理的消息体系和消息之间的优先关系。
As it turns out, AGP is optimal for the basic task set in the sense that the number of priority levels required by AGP is minimal and no other static priority rule can schedule a basic task set which cannot scheduled by AGP. 其最优性表现在,所需的优先级个数最小,并且若采用AGP算法不可调度某个任务集,则采用其他静态优先级分配算法也不可调度该任务集。
Thirdly, the system proposed the optimization for delivery of cargo from storage, the application of multi-level priority rule helps user intelligent control consignment by automatic selection of material batch. 另外,系统在优化企业出库流程的基础上,运用多级优先规则实现了出库物料批次的自动选择,辅助用户智能控制出库。
A new mechanism of assignment tasks is presented, while analyzing the algorithm of assignment tasks 'priority and giving the rule of assignment software tasks and software architecture. 同时对确定任务优先级的算法进行了分析,并给出了软件任务划分的原则、以及软件构架。
A GA with Operation Priority Rule based encoding for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem and its Realization in eM-Plant GA Module 一种采用工序优先级作为优先分配规则的遗传算法在Job-Shop调度问题中的应用研究与eM-PlantGA模块实现
On Non-priority of Private Law in Rule-of-law Society 论法治社会私法的非优位性&对公、私法定位的再反思
In order to overcome the shortcoming of traditional priority rule based heuristics, a new composite random sampling method based on serial schedule generation scheme was proposed to increase the effectiveness of resource allocation and shorten the overall project durations. 为了克服传统的基于任务优先规则的启发式算法的局限性,提高并行工程项目的资源配置效率和缩短项目工期,提出了一种基于串行进度生成机制的组合随机抽样算法。
The structure and algorithm of Priority Ordered Radial Basis Function ( PORBF) Networks is introduced. The concrete training algorithm, calculational methods of likelihood score and verification rule, used for text-independent speaker verification, are proposed. 该文介绍了优先度排序径向基函数(PORBF)神经网络的结构与算法,并提出了将其应用于与文本无关说话人确认时的训练算法、似然度的计算方法以及识别规则。
Which has the priority, efficiency or fair? This question is actually asking about the priority between rule fair and essential fak. 效率与公平孰优先的问题实质上是规则公平与实质公平孰优先的问题。
The article attempts to demonstrate that the system in which loaners have priority to gain compensation is more reasonable and practicable than the Rule of warehousing from the eye of the right of civil, economical action, law-economics, comparative law. 本文试图从民事权利、诉讼经济、法律经济学、比较法的角度等论证了赋予代位权人优先受偿权的制度设计比入库规则更具有合理性和可行性。
A GA method was devised to solve the failure equipment maintenance scheduling optimizing model, and the way to calculate the maximum priority rule was also devised. 提出了用遗传算法求解用于维修人员首次分配的故障设备维修调度优化模型的方法,提出了用于进行维修人员再分配的最大优先度确定方法。
The priority in outlining the system of the rules of evidence is to draw up and perfect the Rule of Confirmation. 在证据规则体系的勾勒上,首当其冲的是突出认证规则的建立和完善。
But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value. 但是,如果允许策略性债务违约或对绝对优先权原则偏离,股东权益价值最大化的破产决策将达到与公司价值最大化一致的结果;
So the heuristic methods are often applied to job shop scheduling such as priority rule method and special algorithms. 因此,对NP类调度问题,一般采用启发式方法来求得满意解,常用优先规则法和一些专门调度算法。
Therefore, the citizens of the character shape to become the top priority rule of law. 因此,公民性品格塑造就成为中国法治建设的当务之急。
With the deepening of the practice, we found that the "priority claim rule" is notas effective as what advocates said, but causing operational difficulties. 随着实践的加深,我们发现优先受偿规则并不像其鼓吹者说的那样有效,反而引起操作上的困难。
During the process of construction, the guideline thought of Safety First, Preventive Priority was set and Safety Production Responsibility Rule was highly carried out. 在施工过程中,树立安全第一、预防为主的指导思想,全面落实安全生产责任制。
This article introduced the improved quantum genetic algorithm to solve such problems, and proposed a binary triangle matrix coding based on priority rule. 本文将改进的量子遗传算法引入到这类问题的求解中,提出了一种新的基于优先规则的二进制三角矩阵编码方式。
Chinese traditional law culture, of which the thoughts of pan-moralism, society priority, power ascendancy and non-suit are flowed, also not has the ability to construct the Chinese rule of law. 中国传统法律文化由于其倡行泛道德主义、社会本位、权力本位、无讼主义等观念,也不能担当中国法治建构重任。
It usually simplifies the workout process by hypothesis. For example, hypothetical liquidation method supposes that loan recovery be realized by liquidating debtors. This method viewes loan workout as a process of asset distribution according to certain rules, such as Absolute Priority Rule. 以文献中比较常见的假设清算法为例,这种方法假设贷款回收通过企业清算得以实现,从而将违约贷款的回收简化为按照既定分配规则(如绝对优先规则)所进行的资产分配过程。
The paper puts forward the idea of partition scheduling and based on the priority scheduling thinking of combination rule, combined with genetic algorithm, a complete set of scheduling theory is formed. 提出了分区调度的思想和基于组合规则的优先级调度思想,结合遗传算法形成了一整套调度理论。
The biggest disadvantage of notice first and effectiveness priority rule is the limited scope of the way of publicity. The efficient operation of the whole system depends on the integrity of the debtor. 通知在先,效力优先规则最大的缺点在于通知方式公示范围的有限性,整个制度效用的发挥依赖于债务人的诚信。